Chelmza fountain

Chelmza Rynek fountain June 2001 at market place

Miasto Chełmża

goodbye to CHEŁMŻA’s well

visit their »facebook« site:

osobliwości miasta: pożegnanie fontanna = Sehenswürdigkeit der Stadt: Abschiedsgruß

Miasto Chelmza at facebook June 2019 fontanna
Miasto Chełmża at »facebook« June 2019: fontanna

Chelmza Rynek plate 2001

Chelmza in June 2001 market place with fountain
Chelmza in June 2001 market place with fountain (2019 demounted)



Miasto Chelmza at facebook June 2019 in being a Culmsee
Miasto Chełmża at »facebook« June 2019: in being a Culmsee

visitor in 2001: Axel Culmsee 

former days Culmsee is today's Chelmza


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