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Lieutenant Uhura
Lieutenant (Lieutenant Commander [I] / Commander [II]) Nyota Penda Uhura
Wikipedia US:
additional info >> German Wikipedia:
„… Es wird häufig behauptet, Kirk habe sie im vierten Film mit Nyota angesprochen. Der Satz ʺCan you let us hear the probe’s transmission?ʺ wurde als ʺNyota, let us hear the probe’s transmission.ʺ missverstanden. Sämtliche Drehbücher sprechen jedoch für die erste Variante. …“
translated means:
»… oftentimes it’s asserted, Kirk had called her Nyota within movie IV. The sentence ʺCan you let us hear the probe’s transmission?ʺ had been misunderstood in ʺNyota, let us hear the probe’s transmission.ʺ All screenplays refer for first version …«
… but the problem in facts like this is the translation from the original (as usually known) … frequently up to extreme different scenery’s appearance to moviegoers in their language especially the early movies in not having had been careful in synchronization not to mention translation agency’s ignorance of fan context … nor the original feeling that comes from it …
And: one more time that’s the reason why – at least in being Trekkie – you should watch, too, the orginal soundtrack’s voices in enjoying it much more than expected!
© Photographies / Photo Editing (ships | ACNS emblem | mouse pad
Produced & Copyright by Axel Culmsee / Germany