Clara 6 months plus

Clara month 6-7

6 Monate … und wächst …

this is the storyline of her 7th month in growing …

panoramic view: 29th November:

Clara, 6 months, at hill crest meadow, Western Forest
Clara, 6 months, at hill crest meadow, Western Forest

10th December:

Clara, 6 months, at woodland meadow, Western Forest
Clara, 6 months, at woodland meadow, Western Forest

13th December:

Clara, 6 months, at woodland field at edge of wood, location on a slope, Western Forest
Clara, 6 months, at woodland field at edge of wood (location on a slope), Western Forest


Clara, 6 months, at woodland field at edge of wood, location on a slope, Western Forest
Clara, 6 months, at woodland field at edge of wood (location on a slope), Western Forest
Clara, 6 months, at woodland field at edge of wood, location on a slope, Western Forest
Clara, 6 months, at woodland field at edge of wood (location on a slope), Western Forest


Clara, 6 months, has discovered stove's warmness
Clara, 6 months, has discovered stove’s warmness


Clara, 6 months
Clara, 6 months


Slider 21st December:


Clara, 6 months
Clara, 6 months

Clara’s find of a wooden ball, 23rd December:

Clara with the ball at Adobe …

wooden bowl from 1960ies or earlier, formerly used as part of lamp stand
wooden bowl from 1960ies or earlier, formerly used as part of lamp stand


25th December:

Clara, nearly 7 months
Clara, nearly 7 months

26th December:

Clara, nearly 7 months

Clara, nearly 7 months
Clara, nearly 7 months

27th December:

Clara, 7 months
Clara, 7 months

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© Photographies Produced & Copyright by Axel Culmsee / Germany

Clara month 6 to 7

Courtesy of Clara

Ende von diesem WebLog


... returning from a tour during hard rain walking the puppy dog (AC selfie 2020-12)

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