Clara 8 months plus

Clara month 8-9

… über 8 Monate … wohl fast ausgewachsen …?

this is the storyline of her 9th month in growing …

Slider 30th January:

Clara, 8 months, at glade during snowfall

 30th January

16 sec. (36,7 MB), resolution 1920 x 1080

Clara, 8 months, at glade during snowfall inspecting apple tree
Clara, 8 months, at glade during snowfall inspecting apple tree

4th February

Clara, 8 months, leaving forest track entering glade
Clara, 8 months, leaving forest track entering glade
Clara, 8 months, at glade
Clara, 8 months, at glade

Clara – checking area, 7th February

Clara, 8 months
Clara, 8 months





11th February

Clara, 8 months, tummy sliding across snow mist cluster
Clara, 8 months, tummy sliding across snow mist cluster (beim EisSchneeKristalle-Robben)


Clara, 8 months, tummy sliding across snow mist cluster and its lane
Clara, 8 months, tummy sliding across snow mist cluster and its lane
(beim EisSchneeKristalle-Robben mit Schneise)





© Photographies Produced & Copyright by Axel Culmsee / Germany

Clara month 8-9 exploring extraordinary ice
Clara month 8-9 – exploring extraordinary ice …

Courtesy of Clara

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