Porsche ArrowDrive

Porsche ArrowDrive Prototype


Stealth Mode Drive

Porsche ArrowDrive Stealth Mode Drive
Porsche ArrowDrive Stealth Mode Drive – stop at Celle

seen in front of Celle’s (Old) Town-Hall while cloaking …

Celle, town in Northern Germany: signpost work of art with seals of enblems of the twinned towns / sister cities. Placed at street named ʺMarktʺ beside historic old town hall („Altes Rathaus“) in the center of the town where all the tourists pass by.


Celle, Stadt im Norden Deutschlands: Wegweiser-Kunstwerk mit Siegeln der Wappen von den Partnerstädten. Platziert in der Straße namens „Markt“ neben dem historischen Alten Rathaus im Zentrum der Stadt, wo alle Touristen entlang gehen.

QR Codes:

top left: Wikipedia entry Celle

down right: review at »Google Maps«

Porsche Development Department Banderole

additional information:

Rezension (review) Patenstädte von Celle at Google Maps by Local Guide:

at en.wkikipedia:

© Photographies and Photo Editing Produced | Copyright by Axel Culmsee, Germany

compiled from segmentation parts of »Porsche Panamera«
via Photoshop by Axel Culmsee, Courtesy of  www.culmsee.com


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